Thursday, June 13, 2019

What's Neat This Week In Model Railroading show #78 June 8th 2019

What's Neat This Week In Model Railroading show #78 June 8th 2019
Thank you for supporting the What's Neat This Week Model Railroad Video Show..... WN Store Link Thank you for your product code support! to order What's Neat This Week Boxcars This week Brien Wood From Rail Fan Amazing Flat cars with loads... Mike Budde, Joshua Barton, Daniel coombs and Ken Patterson talk about Union Pacific's New locomotive to show praise for their employees. #1111... Mike talks cars, Ken discusses garden RR progress along with June and Julys WN video line ups. Joshua is amazing as is Daniel this week.. Best Hobby in the world!... Thank you for supporting our sponsors as you really do! 32 minutes this week....

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