Thursday, June 20, 2019

New video by Kathy Millatt on YouTube

3D Printing for Modelling – Resin
The first 3D printer I bought was a resin one. It does detail beautifully and is a game changer when it comes to modelling. I’ve used it for so many detail parts and it is very versatile. Resin is a little more difficult to use than an FDM or filament printer but the extra effort is worth it. In the pictures below I’ve compared my prints to a Shapeways print that I bought – mine are green, the Shapeway strong and flexible are white and the frosted ultra detail (FUD) are slightly translucent. They’ve changed all the product names since I bought these… I think my prints hold up well and I am really pleased how they come out. You can see the file I printed here: Thanks to Tim Williams for that file. The Shapeways ones are here: How to build a UV Curing Chamber: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and the Amazon EU Associates Programme, affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to, and affiliated sites.

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